Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Employee Hand Sanitization Methods Can Help Eliminate the Spread of Germs

Learning to investigate how to protect myself from contracting germs and bacteria on the job, required doing a little research.   

In fact, I wanted to be more specific about protecting myself from contracting a virus or something worse, while doing my daily job activities: cleaning and sanitizing commercial offices, where heavy flows of traffic engage daily.

Interestingly, my first investigation led me to the University of Michigan, Website- Infection Control and Epidemiology. What I learned from this site, is that even doctors have a concern about protecting themselves from spreading germs and bacteria, from one patient to another.

In detail, the article conveyed- doctors are required to wash hands and use hand sanitizer, before and after, each patient. (www.med.umich.edu)

However, this still imposes an issue for me; after all, I clean thirty desktops and empty fifty trashcans daily. So to integrate this concept of sanitation imposed by the University of Michigan; would require, I wash my hands before I begin working; and use hand sanitizer and wear latex gloves, while working. But even when I wear latex gloves, my hands still sweat inside the gloves.  

So when I got sick with a cold, I was nervous about working in the office. Luckily, I learned that hand sanitation, is extremely important. So much, the Center for Disease Control conveys that “hands hygiene is the single most important means of preventing the spread of infection.” (2016) Furthermore, the CDC conveys, “Most people don’t realize that four out of five germs that cause illness are spread by hands.”

Therefore, I’ve begun taking additional precaution to protect myself and those whom I clean up behind daily. Not only do I continually wash my hands and use hand sanitizer, but wearing gloves and using EPA germ fighting solutions, has given me the power needed to protect, both clients’ and myself.

Now I’m advocating that you do the same; protect yourself and others’, by washing your hands as often as necessary. And if need be, please carry a small bottle of hand sanitizer in your pocket or purse.  Together, we can help combat the spread of germs.


University of Michigan. (2016). Infection and Epidemiology. Retrieved from: http://www.med.umich.edu/ice/info.htm

Center of Disease Control. (2015)  Handwashing: Clean Hands Saves Lives. Retrieved from: http://www.cdc.gov/handwashing/why-handwashing.html

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