Saturday, May 27, 2017

Ethics in Commercial Cleaning and Desktop Computer Environments

Hiring a commercial cleaning company often evokes the need for concern regarding the security of desktop computers, and the potential threat of privacy matters i.e., password protection and unauthorized usage; when outsourced commercial cleaning service providers are on organization’s campuses. The continued fear of cyber-attacks, requires commercial cleaning service providers to effectively train their employees on the value of respecting the information assets of each business or organization, the company is contracted to clean.

This requires commercial cleaning services to disseminate information pamphlets that educate their employees on how-to effectively sanitize desktop PC’s, and the immediate perimeter surrounding these devices i.e., behind desktop monitors, where dirt and dust accumulates. 

The implementation of such training should include:
·         Steps to avoid destroying property left behind on desktops i.e., papers, books, pens, pencils, and sticky notes
·         Avoid reading documents left out on desktop areas
·         Use cleaning detergents that can be easily dried with soft cloths
·         Avoid tampering with desktop keyboards, unless wiping them down
·         Avoid removing USB drives, etc. that may be left on desktop areas

When an employee needs to clean behind a desktop monitor, he/she should be careful to slowly move the keyboard and reach behind the monitor, gently wiping the surface, and immediately returning the items moved around, back to their original position.
Doing so helps diminish privacy concerns as well as helps maintain a professional level of trust.
Allen Maintenance Corporation remains diligent in educating its cleaning staff about the value of respecting the personal property of all commercial cleaning environments, the corporation is contracted to clean.
Thus, when you seek to establish a business relationship with a commercial cleaning service provider in the Southeastern Michigan district, Allen Maintenance Corporation, is one commercial cleaning service provider, you can depend on.
Therefore, call our office today to set-up an appointment with, Gerry Allen, owner of Allen Maintenance Corporation; to have him stop by your organization’s office, to provide an estimate on the commercial cleaning services, we provide. Office hours are Monday-Friday, 9am-3pm.  Call us today at 313.383.4840. We look forward to doing business with you.

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